About Me

My Completed Projects

Screenshot of cat webpage

Cat Webpage 🐱

A fun, interactive webpage dedicated to various cat breeds and care tips.

Built With HTML and CSS

Launch Cat Webpage

Timezone App 🕐

Track current local times across the globe with this user-friendly timezone app.

Built With HTML, CSS and Javascript

Launch Timezone App
Screenshot of timezone app

Screenshot of food webpage

Food Webpage 🍕

A webpage about my hobby, which just so happens to be cooking.

Built With HTML and CSS

Launch Food Webpage

Weather Project ⛄

Live weather forecast data for any location with this weather app.

Built With HTML, CSS and Javascript

Launch Weather Project
Screenshot of Weather Project
Screenshot of Poem Generator

Poem Generator 📚

A creative AI-driven tool to generate personalized poems based on user input.

Built With HTML, CSS and Javascript

Launch Poem Generator

📮 Contact Me

Feel free to reach out via email:

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